Paper clay We made a dog lover pen holder to a friend. We think this pen holder is a good gift for a person who writes very good letters and likes dogs. We needed 6 days to finish making it because we…
Help Paxi Docking on ISS This project is one of the #SpaceCodingChallenges by ESA. Some content like Paxi, satellites are provided in this site. Take paxi to the International Space Station Click the …
Different sizes of eggs The size of each egg is more or less real. These are eggs of Quail, Chicken, Penguin, Duck, Kiwi and Ostrich from left to right. You can also see some eggs like salmon and ant …
Help Paxi Journey to Mars This project came from one of the challenges that ESA (European Space Agency) prepared in 2020. The title of the mission is Mission: Journey to Mars. In our project, you have…
3D pop up We made this lapbook titled "Every animal in its place"(Cada animal al seu lloc in catalan) to learn about where every animals live in, food chain and three different types of ecosystems (1.…